Thursday, April 29, 2010

American Beauty Review

By Ken Delacruz

American beauty is a huge deal to american woman. There are many different ethics, moralities, principles, and cultures in the world. Each different culture has it's own standard of beauty. I am going to break down individual customs so that you can see what women in other countries to do glamour themselves. Just because it is done in other countries, doesn't mean we can't take the advice and try it ourself in our own country!

The richest country is the United Sates of America. There are hundreds of ways american woman "perfect their physical features. A couple ways in which you can glamour up yourself is by using olive oil as your conditioner. This is said to leave a finishing shine to your hair, and it is also suppose to strengthen it. Another idea for a refreshing-looking face, is to fill one cup fill of rose pedals. Place the rose pedals into boiling water. Add two cups of water to ever cup of rose pedals used. Strain the water, and put it in the refrigerator in between uses.

Chinese woman have a very different factor that is the key to being considered "pretty" by others. White skin shows that a girl's complexion is clear, and without blemishes. The paler the skin, the most "beautiful" she is. Dark skin hides the imperfections she may or may not have. Therefore, the whiter the skin, the prettier you appear to be in China. Also, Chinese woman do not have to shave their legs and/or armpits.

Spaniard woman apply olive oil when using face and body masks. Before giving yourself a manicure or pedicure, dip your fingers or toes into a bowl of olive oil. This will soften your cuticles making it less difficult, and less painful to shape your nails as you please.

In England, women have a special technique used their eyes are irritated. They preserve tea bags by storing them in the refrigerator. When the irritation becomes noticeable, place the tea bags on your eyes. Leave them their for a few minutes. This should sooth, and allow the irritated surface to die down.

Latin American woman use a specific fruit for nourishment to their hair. Take an avocado, split in half, remove the "soft part", and rub it into your hair/hairline. Allow it to sit in your hair for about an hour, then remove by rinsing with shampoo and conditioner. Also, Latin American women use avocado for body/facial masks.

Italian women use olive oil as a way to nourish their eyelashes. Olive oil is very commonly used when someone desires to "nourish" a part of their body. A basil leaf is also used in Italy. It is suppose to whiten your smile. Apply it to your teeth every night. A Polish tip for softening your lips is to use honey! This will not only freshen the look of your lips, but it taste's good, too!

Now you have reason to understand a little bit better that every culture has it's own beauty secrets. Some might seem a little far fetched, but I am sure they work! What is better than home remedies, anyway?

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