Friday, April 30, 2010

In What Way Can ESP Powers Be Used To Help Others?

By Neville Wilde

Many people are curious as to the powers of ESP, they have heard the word, may even know someone who has one or more of them, but as to what they main and what would come under this category would ESP powers is beyond them, which is what I hope to change today with this article. There are certain abilities that some people have that are beyond those of many other people. The closest many people come to having ESP is to be able to guess correctly that the phone is about to ring, or of who is the caller.

The human brain is a very clever thing and although it has been taken apart and people are able to perform surgery to correct certain ailments it is still not known as to what causes Esp although it has been shown that the average person only will use 10% of their brain no matter the task they are doing. We use other parts of our brain when we do different tasks although in people who have ESP they have been tested and it seems that they use more than the 10% which in part although does not show what causes it that it is to do with the way the brain works and by how it is used by different people.

The powers of ESP are categorized into 4 different powers, which one will depend on the powers a person has and I would like to tell you about each of these powers as well as what they enable the gifted one to be able to do that others cannot.

One of the gifts is telepathy. If a person has such abilities they will know what someone has on their mind. Demonstrations of such powers have shown a person knowing what number another is thinking of without having to ask them, all the person has to do is think of a number and the telepathic person is able to tell everyone what that number is. This can also be done to find out different things such as places, names and other details. Unlike the way certain tricks use either hidden earpieces or body language someone having such a gift would not need to.

Clairvoyance is one of the other gifts some people with ESP have, it will enable the gifted person to find someone or something without any clues or guidance. There is no need for a map either, some people can even locate someones whereabouts by holding something close to them, and others just know. The way this has been used before successfully is by the police force, detectives and private investigators. If for example someone has been missing a while and the case has come to an end, to convict a killer or maybe just find a lost pet people have asked someone who is clairvoyant to join forces with them in their hunt, and having such a person on their side has helped murder cases to be solved as well as to find the whereabouts of people who have been missing.

The third power of ESP is precognition which means that a person is able to know what is going to happen before it actually does. Nostradamus is one such person who is thought to have had such a gift and many people follow his writings and readings of what he has predicted for the future. People with such gifts have predicted wars, accidents and fatalities to people who have been skeptical and also saved the lives of people they feel have been going down the wrong paths.

The final but of course not the least power is the one of telekinesis. This is where someone is able to move an object with their mind and can also mean someone who is able to wish something would happen and it does.

No matter what power someone has, the extent of their ability depends on the person. Some people have the powers when they are young then as they get older find they can no longer do what they could. Which ever power of Esp they have it can definitely help in some way shape or form.

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