Friday, June 11, 2010

Discovering What Is Elements Of The Green Architecture

By Tom Tripp

It seems like everybody these days is talking about being green. Perhaps you have heard it before, and have been wondering: what is the green architecture about? The fact is it's something that's been around a long time ago in the world of architecture. Read on to learn more about it.

Green architecture aims to have minimal negative impact on the environment. Also, it involves considering the wellbeing of the occupants. When a structure is created or redesigned, the outcome should steer clear of being a threat to the environment and man.

When it comes to the building materials, there are certain points to be considered. Recycling is an important part of it. Making the most out of materials available in the area is another. Then energy used for manufacturing and shipping should also be kept at minimum. One example is by reusing materials in a building about to be demolished.

Reduced dependence on electricity is also another point. For instance, natural lighting at day can be maximized by means of strategic placement of windows around the structure. Maintaining comfortable temperature within the structure is also necessary. The occupants must still be able to function even in cases of power failures.

Another component of being green is the use of renewable energy sources. It's not unlikely for a green structure to be installed with solar panels and their storage tanks. Energy from such can power up appliances used by the occupants, or run cooling or heating systems. Collection vats may also be installed for collecting rainwater. Then it can be used for the garden or maintaining sewerage systems.

The welfare of the occupants definitely must not be overlooked. For example, the building's construction should permit proper ventilation. This way, inhaling stale air may be prevented, which isn't good for the health. Also, toxic or hazardous construction materials should be avoided. Based on these ideas, what is the green architecture all about? It's letting man live harmoniously with the planet.

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