Friday, May 28, 2010

Parenting Tips

By Jayde Johannsen

Being a parent is a unique experience. Many parents say having a child is the best thing that ever happened to them. Still, it can be quite a challenge. Raising a child is at times, difficult, especially if you're new to the ball game.

No one is absolutely perfect. The most experienced parent commits errors. They get upset, they lose their tempers and say unkind things they don't really mean. It's a perfectly human thing to do. We have to accept that we aren't perfect beings.

Everyone gets overwhelmed once in a while. We are only human after all. We can't do it all. The burdens of every day life take their toll and we get tired. But that doesn't mean that you're a bad parent. Being a good parent means you have to take care of yourself too. If you as a mother or father aren't happy, no one is. Take the type to get your life organized and don't be afraid to ask for help.

If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by it all, take some time for yourself. Have a friend or family member take care of your kids while you enjoy an afternoon or evening out. Remember it's not a bad thing to indulge yourself once in a while.

When it comes to being a good parent, there are no ground rules. There really is no perfect parent, no perfect child. All you need is a little love to help your children grow up happy, healthy and wise. Every parent has love to give their child.

Show your child that you love him/her. Displays of affection are heartily encouraged. A child that knows that he/she is loved is much more likely to develop into a confident, well adjusted adult.

Listen. Listen. Listen. Although your child may be young, he/she does have things to say. Let your children express themselves. Simply listening to them stimulates their sense of self worth and esteem.

Make your home a safe and secure place for your child. Foster a sense of security within your home; children need a safe environment to thrive. Comfort them when they're scared. Reassurance and a sense of stability can go a long ways.

Make a schedule and follow it. Children need to be taught order and discipline. These are very important life skills to have, and it will help them in the long run.

Tell your children when they've done a good job. Praise them often; this will build up their self esteem and give them the confidence they need to get ahead in life. Tell them that you are proud of them.

Don't disparage your child. When disciplining them, make sure they know that it's not they that are bad, but what they've done. Explain to them why they were in the wrong.

Consistency is key. Make sure you stick to your rules and don't waiver.

Spend time with your child. This above all is most important. Your child needs you. Be there for him/her.

Don't be afraid to ask for a helping hand.

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