Saturday, May 15, 2010

Downloading Movies Online For Free Is Possible

By Gregory Kane

Q: Are the sites to download Internet movies really free or do I have to pay a membership fee? A: It all depends on the site. There are some movie download sites that charge a membership fee to view full-length current movies and there are others that are truly free. The 100% free movies are older films in the public domain. Be sure to read the fine print before you sign up for any service

Q: Why are some movies free and others not? A: Free movies are either released by the movie publisher with permission for online viewing or the movies are in the public domain. That means that the copyright on them expired and that the public can use, change, watch the movies however and whenever they want to.

Q: Does it take a long time to download a movie? A: A 100 mb movie takes about five minutes to download if you are using a fast connection like broadband or cable. Using dial-up will take much longer, often into hours. How long it takes all depends on how fast your connection is.

Q: What movie choices are available? A: Choices are almost endless. There really is something for every taste. There are cartoons, chick flicks, drama, horror, thriller, crime, romance, old westerns, foreign films and the list goes on.

Q: What sites are the best for downloading movies from the Internet? A: While a simple search will bring up hundreds and hundreds of places, here are a few to get you pointed in the right direction: Internet Archive,, Entertainment Magazine,; the MPAA has a large list of places where anyone can download movies legally. It is at

Q: Once I download a movie, can I put it on a DVD? A: Yes. You can save the movie to a DVD.

Q: Do I need any special equipment or software to watch or download the movies? A: Your computer probably already has Quicktime or Windows Media Player installed on it. Flash and Real Media Player will also work. That is all you need to download and watch movies from the Internet.

A: Is it possible to watch the movie on my mobile? Q: Whether or not you can watch it on your mobile depends on your mobile's ability to play video files. If it is video capable, then yes, you ought to be able to watch it on your mobile, but you will need to convert the movie to mobile format first. If you do not want to do that, just watch the streaming movie right from the movie website.

Q: Are these real movies or have they been edited? Are they only trailers? A: The movies are full-length and unedited. They are not just movie trailers.

Q: If I get caught downloading a movie illegally, what will happen? Will I go to jail? A: You could face jail time for distributing and possessing pirated movies. With so many free places to download Internet movies, taking the risk with pirated movies is not a very good idea.

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