Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Closer Look At How Movie Downloads Work

By Vernon Nelson

Downloading movies recently have become an alternative to traditional movie watching. Before, you would have to go to a rental store, rely on mailing services, or actual DVD stores. With the increase in movie downloads, the convenience of watching a movie whenever you want and need with just the click of the button has become an emerging market for consumers and business alike.

Movie watching has increased even over periods of economic turmoil. Movie going is a great activity way to interact with family and friends. There is a movie for everyone, from old to young.

One reason for this growth of this market is the rise of steadily available high speed internet. Before, with slower internet connections, downloading a digital file of a movie would simply take too long. A disk is simply easier to carry around and use. Now a days, with high speed connections and better compression formats, the ability to download movies is readily available for almost anyone who has a high speed connection.

One way in which you can download movies are straight from your cable television. Many of these companies allow the consumer to rent movies on their television with just your remote control. The cost goes directly on your monthly cable bill. The great thing about these movies are they are also very high quality and are on demand.

Some websites are beginning to allow movie downloads directly from their site for a fee. Netflix is one of these websites. They offer the ability to download movies from their site instead of mailing your movies in. This allows customers to watch movies whenever they want as well as wherever they want. Traditionally, their customers would have to be home to receive the DVD in the mail, watch it and return it to the mailbox. This is not the case with movie downloads. Simply download the movie, even if you are in a hotel room or a library with an internet connection.

Another alternatives is the usage of streaming websites to download movies. One example is Hulu. They offer free television shows as well as movies free on their site. The only drawback is that you have a watch a few commercials. The good thing is that the movies are great quality and can be watched if you have access to a internet connection. TV shows and movies have found this to be a good outlet to widen their viewership.

The new market for movie downloads have caught the attention of companies. It benefits them also because of the lack of costs. They don't need to print DVD's or even have a warehouse to store them. Rental companies no longer have to pay rent to keep large stores open. They simply encrypt their movie and pay for a server to host the files. After that, they can make almost pure profit from downloads.

Movie downloads are here to stay. Companies and consumers both want movie downloads, with their convenience and low cost. With the increasing number of movies beginning to see the future, the days putting a DVD into your player may be short. Fewer and fewer companies are going to be willing to shell out the millions of dollars in wasted warehouse space, rental costs, and disc costs. Next time you consider renting a movie, consider renting a movie download.

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