Friday, April 30, 2010

The Classic Mr Smith Goes To Washington

By Jessie Franklin

Mr Smith Goes To Washington was made in 1939. It starred James Stewart who played the lead character Jefferson Smith. Jefferson was an All-American guy with small town values. He was known in his community to be a good, decent, honest man. It was these very qualities that catapulted his career in the Senate. But his good qualities will be used for evil purposes that Jefferson is unaware of at the time.

When Jefferson first arrives in Washington D. C., he is completely fascinated to be a part of the American political machine. Many of his peers in the Senate doubt his ability to be an effective politician. Several others prey on his lack of experience and naivete. But Smith is too caught up in the awe of the white house to even notice.

Jefferson holds certain ideals of American politics that makes him a bit of an optimistic and extremely patriotic. He is a proud follower of the tenets of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. He looks up to these men and hopes to carry on the same tenacity for virtue within the White House.

Almost everyone around Jefferson was in on the plan. They all knew exactly why he was there. Others resented such a simple man that seem to bumble his way through speeches, being there. Jefferson also felt out of place but he had no idea how he was being used. Their plan seemed to be working until Jefferson realized he was a pawn in their corrupt game of politics. Then he became a problem that none of them saw coming.

When Jefferson finds out about the corruption taking place within the Senate he immediately takes a stand and fights to restore the integrity of Senate. He is able to defeat his enemies in the Senate that were scheming against him. They took him for a small town simpleton and had no idea of the tenacity he possessed to fight against them. He devises a plan to be heard that ultimately brings down his corrupt adversaries.

He decides to expose the Senators to the American people by stage a filibuster. He takes the Senate floor for several hours and exposes the illegal activities he witnesses in the Senate. For the first time, he is listened to and seen as a threat.

Although this is a well known and widely received film, it did have its critics. American politicians took offense to the portrayal of Senators being men you could not trust. Several others took fault with how the movie represented America to foreign Nations. There were several countries that actually banned the film.

Mr Smith Goes to Washington stirred up a lot of controversy for its time. It opened during a tumultuous era in American politics. And many American viewers could relate to an average man standing up for what is right no matter who you are.

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